S&DBKA welcomes all those interested in beekeeping to come along to one of our meetings and see if beekeeping is for you.
We provide many services to members including a honey extractor and associated equipment hire. We recommend those who decide to keep bees attend a beginners course. We can then help by providing bees if available, they can be kept at the association out-apiary for a small fee.
We have regular monthly meetings at the association out-apiary during the season of March to October and novice beekeepers are encouraged to attend and learn from experienced beekeepers who will demonstrate the handling of bees, distribute information handouts and offer advice. Winter meetings are held locally within Southampton where invited speakers are able to pass on their knowledge and experience of beekeeping.
During August we usually have a BBQ and in September we have our Annual Honey Show where members can show their honey, cakes, confectionery and mead.
If you would like to join the Southampton and District Beekeepers Association the Annual membership covers the period from the 1st October - 30th September
The subscription you pay to join the Association includes affiliated membership to the HBA and BBKA, as a Registered, Partner or Junior member it also provides Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI) cover for up to three colonies. Detail here
You can join or renew membership by downloading the current membership application form and explanatory notes here
Please contact the Association Membership Secretary should you require further information.